Broadwood 1817

This handsome Broadwood is one of the best to appear on this site.  It is in good current playing order, tuned to A=415

The newly-fashionable rosewood nameboard features brass inlay around the boxwood name-panel; the ivories are in excellent condtion.

Number 21531 confirms the date as 1817.  We see that the usual treble crack in the soundboard, which has no effect on the tone anyway, has been neatly repaired.

The piano was completely restored by John Broadwood & Sons (then based at Finchcocks) in 2015 - invoice available.  As we would expect, the hammers,  strings, and wrestpins are excellent.  

The soundboard and bridge are excellent; it retains the original red cloth around the hitchpins.  The owner has provided a clip which demonstrates the beautiful sound:

Röst 819.mp4
MP4 video/audio file [648.7 KB]

This beautiful piano is in Stockholm, Sweden.  The price is €5,200. 


Regulations concerning the purchase and cross-border transfers within the EU are somewhat confusing, and seem to vary amongst member states, so it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure correct procedure for their country.  Of course, for transfer outside the EU, full CITES certification would be required,  


Please contact the owner, Arash Azarbad


This piano is now reserved.


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© David Hackett