This is a sort of on-line club for anyone who owns, or would like to own, a square piano. Or anyone who is just interested, possibly to learn a little more.
Please get in touch with me, David, on
with questions, comments, or just to say 'Hello'. This is not a site for experts, but for Friends.
Email Problems
I have just found out that a couple of emails sent to me at the above address have failed to arrive. By its nature, this is a difficult problem to discover! I do apologise to anyone who feels that their mails have been ignored. This particularly seems to have affected messges from Hotmail, but possibly also others. I have checked 'settings' on my account, and for reasons I cannot understans, Hotmail and other domains were listed as blocked. I have now corrected this, and the problem is (I hope) solved.
So if I appear to have ignored you, my apology, and please try again.