The splendid Chris Maene collection in Ruiselede, Belgium, has been built up over fifty years, and now contains more than 300 important keyboard instruments. The oldest , a Ruckers harpsichord, dates from 1632. The square piano illustrated is a 1769 Pohlman.
For some years now, Eric Feller has been buildng a fine collection of instruments, including square and grand pianos, spinets, and harpsichords. The website with details of the instruments is being developed:
The Carolina Music Museum opened in March 2018; it has a fine collection of early keyboard instruments.
Ralf and Heiko Hansjosten are building a new website with details and pictures of their collection of instruments.
Note that search engines may tend to push you to 'klavieratelier'. Be persistent!
Many fine instruments, including the Heilman Grand from the Colt Collection may be seen in the Geelvinck Museum in Zutphen, Netherlands.
Margaret Debenham is a researcher into aspects of Piano History, especially the London makers around the turn of the century, and the Southwell pianos.
Please see her websites www.debenham.me.uk and www.williamsouthwellpianoforte.org.uk for more information.
The Galpin Society has been established since 1945 for those interested in the history of musical instruments. Also a very good lead to a variety of
interesting websites - including this one!
Rudolf Haase runs an interesting website about classic pianos (including squares) in Switzerland. www.forte-piano.ch