These suppliers are amongst those I have used recently; most are based in the UK. Other suppliers are available!
Lucy Coad: Tuning hammers, plain and covered strings, Seccotine, leather for hammer-hinges, vellum for hopper-hinges.
Authentic woollen green, red and white cloth for keyboards, hitchrails (Broadwood) and dampers.
Graham Walker worked for several years to develop authentic cloths for early keyboard instruments, and many of us have depended on them for building new instruments as well as for restorations. These cloths are woven from pure wool, of course, and are as close as possible to the original textures and colours. We are pleased to announce that Lucy Coad has now taken over the stock and the responsibility for supply.
For all of these items, please go to the 'Shop' on Lucy's website
Malcolm Rose: Red brass, yellow brass, and iron wire for strings; copper, tinned copper, annealed brass and soft iron for covers.
The sudden death of our dear friend Malcom at the end of 2022 was a great shock to all of us, but the business contiues under the able leadership of his daughter Leonie, who has many years experience.
David Law: Authentic brassware (cast from originals) for harpsichords, spinets, and early pianos.
For many years, David has been our favourite supplier of his beautiful replica brasswork for early keyboard instruments. But he has been rather quiet lately. I have just spoken to him - good to hear his voice. But he is not well these days, and he has asked me to offer the following bulletin: He had a bad fall earlier in the year, which resulted in a complex fracture to his thigh and hip, needing metal implants. He is out of hospital and back home, but his mobility and general health are seriously impaired. He sometimes spends a short time in his workshop, but he his limited in what he can do. He has a backlog of promises and enquiries, and additionally has difficulty operating his computer, and so asks for our understanding and patience. If anyone does wish to contact him, the best way is by his mobile phone.
On behalf of all of us, I wished him well, and assured him that he was in all our thoughts.
Optimum Brasses: Brassware including casters, bolt-covers, and Broadwood dampers.
Sykes Timber: Timber including walnut, spruce, pine, poplar, beech, oak, cherry, etc.
Elforyn: High-quality synthetic ivory replacement.
Casein: Natural ivory replacement
The Music Room (Andy Durand) Covered strings, leg-threads