Broadwood 1790

I'm happy to present another fine example of my favourite pianos, a first-generation Broadwood, with the original straight brass under-dampers - before hammers got bigger, strings thicker, the sound louder... all in the name of progress of course. But for the music of J C Bach, Haydn, Mozart - it's good to get back to the gentler sounds of the time.

This piano, N° 1461, is an example of the 'Elegant ' model, with a cross-banded case and a French stand.

The beautiful calligraphy with the 'Latinised' form of the maker's name ('John Broadwood & Son' from 1793)  is applied directly to the fiddle-back sycamore nameboard.  

There is evidence of some comparatively recent work, but further restoration is needed now.

The wrestpins have been re-laquered in the authentic manner, but do appear to be original, and the stringing schedule seems to be correct.

This piano is in Camden, London NW1; the price is £800.  It has been registered for exemption under the UK Ivory Act 2018, and the reference is 6WWPWD8C


Please contact Suzy Robinson​



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