All of the jacks are in now, so on the inside it's just the final adjustments, including equalising the touch. My method for this is to use a weight on the front of the key, and then adjust the plectrum so that the weight is just held, but the tiniest touch of a finger plays the note.
The outside of the case was finished with several coats of shellac, each one cut back hard with grade 0000 steel wool. Finally, those beautiful brass replica hinges (supplied by David Law) can be fitted, and the case given a final polish with beeswax.
So how does it sound? Perhaps I'm biased, but let's just say that I'm happy that it's all been worthwhile. Just before it went to its new home in Scotland, it was a special pleasure for me to hear it being played properly by our favourite keyboard player Martyna Kazmierczak.
Would I make another one? Well, yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do, as soon as this one has gone to its new home.
I do hope that these notes have been of interest, and will encourage you to have a go. Please let me know how you get on, and especially if I can help in any way.
David Hackett
May 2016